Multi-ethnic team of blue collar air conditioner repairmen at work. They prepare to begin work by gathering appropriate tools from their tool box.

Maintaining your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is essential for ensuring efficient operation, reducing energy costs, and prolonging its lifespan. withpavilion offers expert maintenance tips to help you keep your HVAC system in optimal condition throughout the year.

Regular Filter Changes

One of the simplest yet most effective maintenance tasks is regularly changing your HVAC maintenance filters. Dirty filters restrict airflow, reducing efficiency and potentially causing damage to your system. Aim to replace or clean filters every 1-3 months, depending on usage and filter type.

Keep Outdoor Units Clean

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system can accumulate dirt, debris, and vegetation, hindering airflow and reducing efficiency. Regularly clean around the unit, removing leaves, grass clippings, and other debris. Ensure there’s at least two feet of clearance around the unit for proper airflow.

Schedule Annual Inspections

Professional HVAC inspections are crucial for identifying potential issues early and ensuring your system operates efficiently. withpavilion recommends scheduling annual inspections before each heating and cooling season. A certified technician will inspect and clean components, check refrigerant levels, and ensure all parts are functioning correctly.

Check and Seal Ductwork

Leaky ductwork can lead to significant energy losses by allowing conditioned air to escape into unconditioned spaces. Inspect ductwork regularly for leaks, gaps, or disconnected segments. Use mastic sealant or metal tape to seal leaks and improve system efficiency.

Programmable Thermostats

Invest in a programmable or smart thermostat to optimize energy usage and comfort. These thermostats allow you to set temperatures based on your schedule, reducing energy consumption when spaces are unoccupied or adjusting temperatures for comfort without manual adjustments.

Monitor Humidity Levels

Maintaining proper humidity levels in your home or building is essential for comfort and system efficiency. Use a humidifier in winter if indoor air is too dry, and a dehumidifier in summer if humidity levels are too high. Ideal humidity levels range between 30-50%.

Professional Maintenance Plans

Consider enrolling in a professional maintenance plan with withpavilion. These plans typically include scheduled inspections, priority service, and discounts on repairs. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your HVAC system but also improves efficiency and reduces the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Explore energy-efficient upgrades for your HVAC system, such as installing high-efficiency units, adding zoning controls, or upgrading insulation. These upgrades can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower your utility bills over time.


Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently and reliably year-round. By following these expert tips from withpavilion, you can optimize performance, reduce energy costs, and extend the lifespan of your HVAC equipment. For professional HVAC services and maintenance plans tailored to your needs, contact withpavilion today. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve maximum comfort and efficiency in your home or business environment.

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